The radio automation platform that does it all
Content management
Use any browser on the go to upload your content to the cloud, create playlists, and schedule shows.
Seamless transition
Transition between multiple DJs or broadcast from another source easily and with zero interruptions.
Record and rebroadcast
Automatically record your line-in source right to the platform and effortlessly schedule rebroadcasts.
Edit playlists live
Avoid interrupting your broadcast with the ability to edit content on a live playlist.
Media management
Music library
Simplify managing your library by dragging and dropping your files directly from PC to platform. Upload audio files in multiple formats including ogg, wav, flac, aac, and mp3. Our cloud platform will play files from your playlist regardless of format or bitrate.
Schedule shows
Program calendar
Our convenient built-in calendar makes it easy to schedule shows by day, week, or month. Use color codes to easily distinguish between different DJs.
Repeat shows
Repeat shows
Choose when to repeat a scheduled show on selected days of the week, until a specific date or indefinitely.
Live broadcast editing
Live broadcast editing
Need to make a last minute addition to a show that’s already on air? Don’t despair--upload and add your content with no interruptions to your live broadcast.
Seamlessly switch between cloud and studio
Seamlessly switch between cloud and studio
Always be in control with a Show Source, Master Source, and Scheduled Play. The show source is accessible by your DJs while the master source will take over any connected source. If either is disconnected, our platform automatically switches to scheduled play.
Simultaneous broadcasting
Simultaneous broadcasting
Broadcast to up to three different servers at once to diversify or backup your content (or both)!