Save 50% or more vs AWS, Azure or Google Cloud

Same specifications, no bandwidth restrictions, global locations and 24/7 support included! Experience top-tier services at half the cost, tailored to meet your exact requirements.

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Experience the power of bare metal cloud servers at half the cost!

Massive savings

Massive savings

Save 50% or more for the same exact specifications or better. Depending on your monthly spend, the savings can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Migration strategy

Migration strategy

Let our team manage your migration strategy. We present a custom migration solution, focused on reduced or zero downtime.



Pair your cloud infrastructure with a 24/7 management plan, backed by a team of servers experts, qualified to maintain, troubleshoot and mitigate problems, before they affect your infrastructure.

Let's review how much your business can save

Complete the form below and schedule a call with our sales department. The next step is to choose a date and time.

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Name must contains only letters at least 2 characters
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Business name can not contains special characters and it must contains at least 2 characters
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Why Primcast

Why choose Primcast?

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Unmetered bandwidth

No bandwidth overages or surprise bills. All servers configurations are delivered with unmetered bandwidth.

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Global data centers

Deploy your cloud infrastructure from New York, Miami, San Francisco, Amsterdam, or Bucharest.

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24/7 support

24/7 cloud infrastructure support is available via live chat or email, with an average response time of just 45 seconds.

See how much your business can save. Schedule a call today!

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